While I uploaded an initial version of this page on Friday, I kind of rushed through the lettering and ended up not being happy with the result. After taking a little bit more time to take care of it, I've re-uploaded a new version. One quick note- I don't know if anyone noticed but if you take first 8 pages of this "issue" and add them to the 16 pages from the previous "issue" you have what amounts to a single issue of a traditional comic. While things weren't planned out that way initially, as the story moved along I thought it would be kind of neat to work it out that way.
He is paying way more attention than I am.
Well, a good superhero always has to be on the lookout for anything!
Nice. Stealth for the win. Or does Octagon have something up his sleeve? Hmmm….
You better believe, there will be a rematch!
Well played, Stealth. But maybe Doc Ock (couldn’t resist XD) has something else up his green sleeve.
It’s okay, part of the reason I used that name was just so that someone would make that reference :). Rest assured, “Doc Ock” will be back!
Suddenly, Doctor Eight-Ways-From-Sunday isn’t so talkative now is he?