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Issue 05, Page 12


Issue 05, Page 12

It is my honor to announce the next two weeks will feature guest artwork by the amazingly talented Jamar Logan! This is particularly meaningful for me because way back in the day (circa 2000-2001) when we were both still basically kids, Jamar and his online comic (what we called them back then) Demon Universe were a major inspiration for me to put Stealth out online. This actually came about in pretty short notice, Jamar contacted me just last week and asked if he could do the next page- I'm actually kind of upset with myself that I couldn't go back and re-work everything so that Jamar could have had an action sequence to draw but rest assured, he'll be back on board in a couple of weeks for just that!

9 thoughts on “Issue 05, Page 12

  1. whatever man, respect due where it’s due.

    listening to this interview thing, good listen too
    wish it was mp3 download though so i don’t gotta be stuck at the computer listening

    talking about sidekicks right now

    1. Thanks WKF, it’s a little early but I’ll just say there might be something major coming down the pipeline on that front. How are things going with the Enforcers?

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